剑桥雅思5 test 3 section 3听力原文与答案 Feedback Form

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剑桥雅思5 test 3 section 3听力原文与答案 Feedback Form

2023-07-21 03:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

剑桥雅思5 test 3 section 3听力原文与答案 Feedback Form 虽然这部分出了10道填 […]


剑桥雅思5 test 3 section 3听力原文与答案 Feedback Form

虽然这部分出了10道填空,与目前考试的整体趋势不太符合。但这一课程反馈场景却是现在经常考察的内容。其中出现的handout,outline等词汇更是大家一定要掌握的(雅思备考听力篇 剑5 test 3 section 3 雅思听力高频词汇)。

该部分的易错点主要是25题和29题。其中25 题很容易写成beginning,但它一方面不能跟in搭配,另一方面也不符合题目中too much这一条件(听力中说的是一开始作业太少)。因此得继续往后听,确定答案为second half。29题则是单纯的太过隐蔽,说完答案之后才提到too much,很容易反应不过来(剑桥雅思5Test3听力Section3答案解析)。

剑5 test 3 Section 3雅思听力原文

ANNIE: Oh Ben – I just remembered I never filled in that form for Nick – did you do it?

BEN: The course feedback form?

ANNIE: Yes. If you want, we can do it together, I’ve got mine here.

BEN: Is that OK?

ANNIE: Yeah.

BEN: OK, let’s have a look then. What do we have to do?

ANNIE: Let’s fill in the top first, let’s see, Course, Course code…

BEN: Er, it’s Communication in Business.

ANNIE: OK, Communication… in… Business, I do know that, but what’s the code?

BEN: CB 16 something, CB 162, isn’t it?

ANNIE: Mmm, that’s it, OK and dates, when did we start? I remember, my birthday’s on May 4th and it was the day after, it must have been May 5th.    Q21

BEN: Gosh, doesn’t seem that long ago, does it?

ANNIE: No, and we finish at the end of this week, on Friday, so that’s July 15th?

BEN: Er 16th, Monday was the 12th. Right, that was the easy bit, now let’s have a look – “Please give your comments on the following aspects of the course”, OK, what’s the first one? Oh, course organisation. What do you think?    Q22

ANNIE: Er, clear? It was, wasn’t it?

BEN: Yes, I think the organisation was clear. OK, anything else for course organisation?    Q23

ANNIE: It was a good thing he gave us the course outline at the beginning, in the first session, that was useful, so I’ll put that down, shall I? Now, going on to suggestion for improvement, one thing that wasn’t so good, I think we could have done a bit more work at the beginning, I mean at the beginning it seemed dead easy.    Q24

BEN: Yeah.

ANNIE: I thought it was going to be really easy and then all of a sudden in the second half of the course we got a whole load of work, reading to do and essays and things.    Q25

BEN: Yes, it’d be better if it was more even. OK, now course delivery, does that mean teaching?

ANNIE: Yeah, I suppose so. Well, this is from Laokaoya website. what I thought was really good on this course was the standard of teaching. Actually – I mean some of the teachers were better than others – but the standard generally was fine. Much better than other courses I’ve been on.    Q26

BEN: Yeah, I agree. Let’s put that then. What about suggestions for improvement?

ANNIE: I… I didn’t think it was all that wonderful when we had great long group discussion sessions that went on for hours and hours. I don’t mean we shouldn’t have group discussions, just that they shouldn’t go on too long.    Q27

ANNIE: Now, on to materials and equipment.

BEN: Oh, now what was good about some sessions was the handouts.    Q28

ANNIE: Yes, I thought all the handouts were good actually, and some were great, with website addresses and everything.

BEN: One problem though with materials was the key texts.

ANNIE: Yes! There just weren’t enough copies on reserve in the library. And if you can’t get the key texts before the session, how are you supposed to do the reading? And not enough computers. You have to wait ages to get one.

BEN: OK, testing and evaluation – well, I don’t know, it’s hard to say until we’ve got our written assignments back.

ANNIE: Don’t talk about it, I only got mine in yesterday, it was a real struggle. I hate to think what mark I’ll get.

BEN: Yes, but at least we’ve done the oral presentation – I thought that was good, the way I got my feedback really quickly.

ANNIE: Yes, it was. And I liked the way we knew what we’d be evaluated on, we knew the criteria, so we knew we had to think about clarity, organisation, and so on.

BEN: Yeah, but I’m not so sure about the written work. One thing I think is that there’s just too much, it’s really stressful.    Q29

ANNIE: Yes, I’d agree and I don’t see why they can’t let us know the criteria they use for marking.

BEN: The written assignments? But he told us.

ANNIE: No, for the final exams. What are they looking for – what are the criteria? What makes a pass or a fail?

BEN: Yeah, I never thought of that. It’d be really useful.

ANNIE: OK, any other comments?

BEN: I thought student support was excellent.    Q30

ANNIE: Yeah, me too. OK, excellent. Other comments?

BEN: No, I can’t think of anything else.

ANNIE: Nor me. OK, so that’s done. Thanks, Ben.

BEN: No, thank you.

剑5 test 3 Section 3雅思听力答案

21. 5th May

22. 16th July

23. clear/was clear

24. (course) outline

25. (the) second half

26. (standard of) teaching

27. (group) discussion

28. handouts

29. written work

30. student support

剑桥雅思5 test 3 Section 1听力原文与答案

剑桥雅思5 test 3 Section 2听力原文与答案

剑桥雅思5 test 3 section 4听力原文与答案

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